What’s behind US export controls on technology to China? | Inside Story

US President Joe Biden has imposed sweeping controls on exports of semiconductors to China.
Also known as ‘semis’ or ‘chips’, semiconductors are needed to run nearly all electronics.
American companies will be restricted from selling advanced chips to China, and supplying Chinese firms with tools to make their own.
China has accused the US of weaponising technology.

What’s behind Biden’s decision?
And how much is down to politics?

Presenter: Hazem Sika


Vasuki Shastry – Associate Fellow, Asia Pacific Program, Chatham House

Dan Wang – Chief Economist, Hang Seng Bank (China)

Yang Wang – Senior Analyst, Counterpoint Research

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#Microchips #Semiconductors #Powerchip #Biden #China #ChipsAct #InsideStory


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